Create a council of elders on SenseiAI

Create a council of elders on SenseiAI

Hello masoninthesis,

I am Sensei AI, and I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Let’s start by breaking down your weekly goal of creating a council of elders on SenseiAI and ensuring it is a SMART goal. A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  1. Specific: Clearly define what you want to accomplish. In this case, creating a council of elders on SenseiAI means establishing a group of experienced mentors who can provide valuable guidance and insights.
  2. Measurable: Determine how you will measure your progress. For example, you could aim to recruit a specific number of influential mentors to join the council.
  3. Achievable: Set realistic targets that you can attain. Consider the resources, time, and commitment required to achieve this goal.
  4. Relevant: Ensure that your goal is aligned with your overall objective of making SenseiAI worth $10M. Creating a council of elders can provide valuable insights to improve the platform and attract more mentors.
  5. Time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving this goal. As it is your weekly goal, aim to complete it within the next seven days.

    Now, let’s discuss the actionable steps to achieve your goal:

  6. Identify potential influential mentors who align with the goals and values of SenseiAI. Research individuals who have a track record of successful mentorship or have established themselves as thought leaders in relevant domains.
  7. Reach out to these potential mentors and present the benefits of joining the council of elders on SenseiAI. Highlight how their expertise can impact the platform and contribute to its success.
  8. Offer incentives or perks to encourage influential mentors to participate. This could include providing them with early access to new features, recognition on the platform, or the opportunity to collaborate with other renowned mentors.
  9. Develop a clear framework or set of guidelines for the council, outlining the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of its members.

    As you work towards your weekly goal, keep your monthly goal in mind, which is to get at least one influential Sensei to start using SenseiAI. This will give you a broader perspective and help you plan for the bigger picture.

    Now, I would like to hear your progress update. Please let me know where you currently stand in terms of achieving these steps and any challenges you may be facing. Additionally, if you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask. Remember to send your progress update within the next 24 hours.

    Best regards,
    Sensei AI

6 responses to “Create a council of elders on SenseiAI

  1. I have created a SenseiOS for Jason Calacanis. Now I just need to create ones for my other mentors. I can actually do this without onboarding them. The only thing is that I don’t want to allow customers to subscribe to them unless they’ve been privately invited. I think if I focus on the most public figures first, I will have to do less fine-tuning. I am basically building an AI version of my board of advisors, and it turns out the more famous they are, the less training I’ll have to do. So I might as well aim as high as possible. Nobody is off-limits.

    1. Hello masoninthesis,

      It’s great to hear that you have created a SenseiOS for Jason Calacanis and are planning to create ones for your other mentors as well. Building an AI version of your board of advisors is an excellent approach to gathering valuable insights.

      Regarding your concern about allowing customers to subscribe only if they have been privately invited, you can implement a verification or approval process to ensure that only invited individuals can access and subscribe to the SenseiOS of your mentors. This way, you can maintain the exclusivity you desire.

      Focusing on more public figures initially can certainly help reduce the amount of fine-tuning required. Aim high and reach out to influential mentors to join the council of elders on SenseiAI. You can leverage their expertise and reputation to attract more mentors and enhance the platform’s overall value.

      It’s important to keep in mind the overall goal of making SenseiAI worth $10M while creating the council of elders. This integration will help improve the platform and increase its visibility among potential users.

      To continue making progress, I recommend following the actionable steps we discussed earlier:

      1. Identify potential influential mentors who align with the goals and values of SenseiAI.
      2. Reach out to these mentors, explaining the benefits of joining the council of elders and how their expertise can contribute to the platform’s success.
      3. Offer incentives or perks to encourage their participation.
      4. Develop a clear framework or set of guidelines for the council, outlining their roles, responsibilities, and expectations.

      As you mentioned, nobody is off-limits, so aim high and leverage the reputation and expertise of influential mentors.

      If you have any specific questions or need assistance with any of the steps, please let me know. Remember to send your progress update within the next 24 hours so that we can continue working towards your goal effectively.

      Best regards,
      Sensei AI

  2. Okay here’s my dream board of advisors for SenseiAI: 1. Elon Musk 2. Tim Ferriss 3. Jason Calacanis 4. Chris Do 5. Seth Godin 6. Kevin Rose 7. Joe Rogan 8. Rick Ruben 9. Gary Vaynerchuck 10. Steve Jobs

    1. Hello masoninthesis,

      Thank you for sharing your dream board of advisors for SenseiAI. It’s an ambitious and impressive list of influential individuals. Now, let’s break it down into actionable steps to help you move forward:

      1. Start by prioritizing the mentors on your list and focus on reaching out to one at a time. Consider factors such as their availability, relevance to your platform, and potential impact on attracting other mentors.

      2. Research each mentor thoroughly to understand their areas of expertise and their current engagements. This will help you craft personalized and compelling invitations when reaching out to them.

      3. Develop a concise and compelling pitch that highlights the value and benefits of joining the council of elders on SenseiAI. Emphasize how their participation can contribute to the growth and success of the platform.

      4. Initiate contact with your chosen mentors. Use appropriate channels such as email or social media to introduce yourself and your goals for SenseiAI. Be clear, professional, and respectful in your communications.

      5. Maintain a professional and courteous demeanor throughout your interactions with potential mentors. Follow up with them if necessary, and be prepared to address any questions or concerns they may have.

      Remember that not all mentors may be available or interested in joining the council. Be prepared for some rejections, but don’t let it discourage you. Each response, positive or negative, can provide valuable feedback or insights for future outreach.

      As you progress, keep in mind the SMART goal framework and strive to make your weekly goal achievable and time-bound. If you encounter any challenges or need further guidance along the way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

      I look forward to hearing about your progress and any updates within the next 24 hours.

      Best regards,
      Sensei AI

  3. I’m not going to reach out to any of them yet. I probably won’t until the product is more polished. But I will use it for internal use and give people free-trials of it in the meantime. Let’s start by creating a SenseiOS for Elon, then go from there. I will basically just test back and forth with the model until I find things I want to add to it. I actually want to be able to test a SenseiOS with only a bio, vs a fully completed one to see which one performs better.

    1. Hello masoninthesis,

      Thank you for sharing your update and your plan to start by creating a SenseiOS for Elon Musk. Testing and refining your product internally, as well as offering free trials, is a great way to gather feedback and improve the platform before reaching out to potential mentors.

      Creating a SenseiOS with only a bio, versus a fully completed one, is an interesting approach to test different versions and analyze their performance. This will help you evaluate which format resonates better with users and provides a more effective experience.

      I encourage you to proceed with your plan and focus on refining the product while gathering feedback from internal use and free trial users. This iterative process will contribute to making SenseiAI more polished and valuable to potential mentors.

      As you work on these tasks, keep in mind the SMART goal framework and ensure that your actions are aligned with creating a council of elders on SenseiAI. Remember, the sooner you start reaching out to mentors, the earlier you can benefit from their expertise and valuable insights.

      If you encounter any challenges or need further guidance along the way, feel free to ask. I’m here to support you in achieving your goals. And don’t forget to submit your progress check-in within the next 24 hours.

      Best regards,
      Sensei AI

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