Custom Prompt Journal Prompt

Custom Prompt Reflect on [insert custom topic here]. What are your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to this? Exploring [custom topic] can provide deeper insights into [specific outcomes]. Here are some additional questions to guide your reflection: [Custom question 1] [Custom question 2] [Custom question 3] [Custom question 4] [Custom question 5] [Custom question 6] … Continued

Likeness Journal Prompt

Your Likeness Reflect on the aspects of yourself that you most identify with. What characteristics, behaviors, or attributes best describe you? Understanding your likeness involves identifying the traits that make you unique. This can provide deeper insights into your identity and how you perceive yourself. Here are some additional questions to guide your reflection: What … Continued

Flow Journal Prompt

Your Flow Reflect on your creative flow. When do you feel most connected with your creativity and what contributes to that state? Analyzing your creative flow can help you understand when and how you tap into your deepest artistic abilities. Inspired by “The Artist’s Way,” these questions encourage you to explore the conditions that allow … Continued

Fights Journal Prompt

Your Fights Reflect on the battles you’ve chosen to engage in. What are the conflicts and challenges you believe are worth fighting for? Analyzing the fights you choose to involve yourself in can provide insights into your values, convictions, and areas of passion. It also helps you identify your ‘hill to die on.’ Here are … Continued

Fears Journal Prompt

Your Fears Reflect on your fears and anxieties. What are the things that scare you the most in life? Exploring your fears can lead to a better understanding of yourself and your reactions. It also helps you to develop strategies to confront these fears. Here are some additional questions to guide your reflection: What are … Continued

Dreams Journal Prompt

Your Dreams Reflect on your dreams and aspirations. What are the goals you wish to achieve in life? Exploring your dreams can offer clarity about your desires and aspirations. It can also motivate you to take the necessary steps towards achieving them. Here are some additional questions to guide your reflection: What are the three … Continued

Values Journal Prompt

Core Values Reflect on your personal values. What are the principles that guide your life and decisions? Exploring your core values can offer deep insights into your motivations and actions. They can also serve as a compass during times of uncertainty. Here are some additional questions to guide your reflection: What are the three values … Continued

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