Importance of Testing and Effective Strategies: Advice from Sensei

Testing @ 4:14 Testing @ 4:14 [masoninthesisOS] masoninthesis, my dear deshi, testing time is a necessary component of any project or endeavor. It allows us to assess the functionality and effectiveness of our actions. In the context of a sci-fi video game story, testing becomes even more crucial as it helps us identify weaknesses and … Continued

Utilizing the New 16k Token Limit with GPT-3.5 Turbo: Expanding Possibilities and Maximizing Sensei AI’s Potential

Testing out the new 16k token limit with GPT-3.5 Turbo [masoninthesis] Testing out the new 16k token limit with GPT-3.5 Turbo sounds interesting! The ability to handle longer inputs can open up new possibilities for intricate conversations and complex problem-solving. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish with this enhanced capability. As we explore … Continued

Finding Harmony: Exploring the Parallels Between Music and Coding

I’m listening to John Mayer on Rick Rubin’s podcast right now. He’s talking about the songwriting process, and it’s so similar to this coding project. It’s uncanny. I need to scope down and focus on making progress, without getting overwhelmed. It’s beautiful. What parallels do you see? [masoninthesis] The parallels between music and coding are … Continued

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